Comic Haul week of August 13th, 2024
New comics!
The Amazing Spider-Man #55
Jughead #11 - also written by Ryan North?
Batman #460
Fantastic Four #23
Planetary #21
The Sensational She-Hulk #10
Wolverine #71
Before I talk about the weird food in Japan, let me say I had this bowl of ramen, which was great.
Something they don’t tell you about Japan is they don’t do breakfast. If you’re awake at sunrise you better eat at home because otherwise you won’t be eating until 11am.
Saw some very strange sushi, such as Salisbury Steak and Whatever This Corn Thing Is:
As always I had to get a messed up pizza, they just don’t do it like home. I didn’t expect to get a messed up corndog too, life is full of surprises.
Comic Haul week of August 6th, 2024
New comics!
Shanda the Panda #8
Gunslinger Spawn #34
Prodigy: Slaves of Mars #1
Cruel Universe #1
Bootleg #9
Loyal readers may remember I was dancing in the woods a few months ago. Well last weekend someone recongnzied me in the wild and had a photo they’d taken of me. Small world! Nice to know you can make an impact on people.
It’s miller time
Here are some funny signs I saw on the train in Japan
Fantastic Four #22 (2024)
This cover whips so hard, I’ve been waiting to own it for months!