Comic Haul week of December 24th, 2024
New comics!
The Amazing Spider-Man #64
Geiger #9 - this has become one of my new favorite current runs, it’s so cool and so crisp
Harley Quinn #46
A gift from a friend, maybe a thrift shop find, have you ever seen a signed Prima guide before?
Comic Haul week of December 17th, 2024
New comics!
Plastic Man No More! #4
Fantastic Four #27
In Bloom #1
Space Usagi: White Star Rising #2
Nightwing #121
Super hype on the Sonic 3 movie. Didn’t think it was possible for them to make a movie about my favorite videogame, specifically the one with the space laser that blows up the moon. It was really good! I made bingo sheets for my friends and I. Here’s a sample (from part-way through the movie):
The crazy thing is, the seemingly obvious freebies that were based around the movie being bad, such as “so that just happened!”, didn’t happen! Egg on my face.
Foxtrot (1995)
Met Bill Amend at PAX Unplugged, couldn’t talk to him much because some other fan was gushing really hard. We shared that awkward moment at least.