Comic Haul week of April 18th, 2023!
New comics!
I went to a little show at a Holiday Inn in South Jersey, it’s a liminal space down there
Clear #2
The Amazing Spider-Man #24
Saucer Country #9, #11, and #12
Shidima #1 - Limited GOLD edition!
Doctor Strange #56
Hellcat #2
Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #1
Nightwing #103
Heroes for Hire #1-#8 - and they’re all signed!
Dark One's Third Eye #2 - This is signed too!
Detective Comics #667, #713, #724, #725, #726, #727, #729 - Can you believe signed comics for $2?
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #156
Devil's Reign #6
New Challengers #4
X-Men #6
Detective Comics #666 (1993)
I thought #666 would be a cool number to get rated. My dog thinks anything plastic might be a food container.